
Thursday, July 8, 2010

Day 5 - Social Networking & Its good bye!!!

Today's lesson was all about Social Networking.

And the execution of the lesson was done in a most interesting way - IMARK

Ii mark stands for - Information Management Resource Kit!

And what a useful tool it is. It has two lessons divided into modules.

The first Lesson is on Social Media development and has four modules. This is a very enlightening tool that also gives examples of how different social networking sites have been used to push causes.

The second ;lesson is on Social Media tools and services and has seven modules.

Generally the whole lesson revolves around the benefits of social media and the creative ways you can use social connecting with other people via social networks;

For example through through tagging and social book marking

Key Definitions

Social networking is the practice of individuals connecting and communicating
around a common interest using online tools and social networking sites.

Tagging lets you categorize information online your way. So it has value to YOU. But it also can have value to others.

Social book marking is the use of a web-based site that stores and shares your tags and the tags of people you know, so you can benefit from their bookmarks as well as your own.

Why need I say more when you can take the lesson RIGHT HERE

Today was also the last day of training and it was interesting to hear what everyone thought was useful. Interesting how each of the topics learned was somewhat mentioned by different people,to some it was all about wikis and google docs while others learned that facebook and linked in are not just for jokers...while the more sporty participants they plan to use googlemaps to mark their jogging routes while taking the marathon.

All in all I think the training was a great success, the challenge is upon us to apply what w have learned.

It has was great meeting you all and I hope will all SKYPE in touch!

Here are some photos!

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