
Thursday, July 8, 2010

WEb 2.0 for Dev day 4!

Today was all about social networking sites and their benefits ...

Linked in was the site of choice during the morning session while facebook took up the afternoon session.

One of the concerns raised by participants on the third day was the lack of time to manage or posts updates with all the networking sites , we got teh solution!

First solution

The “share it” application- found by clicking “More…” on the menu the search for it under the Applications directory. To have your Twitter update appear on Linked in you have to type the in (#in) then tweet and taraaa your post should appear on twitter and Linked In

Another useful application is that can help link your facebook, twitter, gmail and linked in account is Digsby. Thanks for the tip Grace!

Today I learned how to make and share professional presentations on Linked in! Still working on my presentation which will be up right after I upload my photos on flickr!

Here are some comments from the democracy wall from different participants

“I learned how to use “Serious” applications on facebook!”

“I discovered that there are over two million people in my network who share my profession and passion!”

“I learned to b every afraid, the web is not my private playground!”

“I feel like I have been converted to Linked in! Before I didn’t see the point, but now I can see how it can be very useful for professional life.”…

But hey can’t leave before I mention that Day 3 photos are up on Panoramia. Still working out how to write the title, every time I save the title and click save, I get the message authorization declined. Any ideas why? Giacomo any useful tips?

And Nick, thanks for teaching me how to reduce the size of a photo on PC. For those interested the magic is in GIMP!

1 comment:

  1. Great!
    It has been a series of social networks, but now we can di it professionally.
